Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are these unfit living conditions for my son?

ok, My ex and I split up almost a month ago. I am a proud father. My son is a year old. Up until we broke up i always took care of him, was raising him, taught him so much. He loves me and I love him. I was in his life the whole time since he was conceived. When we broke up, she flipped out and left to st louis. Our homes are in florida. she shacked up with a bunch of random dudes up there with my son with her that she didnt even know. This whole time shes been telling me she will never let me see my son again and she hates me and **** like that. So i get a call from her about a week later and she had no way back home and thats my son over there so what do i do? I drove for 43 hours there and back to get her and my son. When she got back in florida she is still keeping him from me and will not let me see him. I want dcf to be involved because i believe where she is living is unfit for my son. i know this because i used to live there too. lets start with how many people live in the trailer.10 people live in the 5 bedroom trailer. 1. Her mom, she sells her scripts she gets every month and thats illegal. 2. Her brother. He sleeps on a couch in the living room and hes 26 years old. he's constantly smoking pot, drinking snorting xanax and cocaine ever so often. 3.This random 50 yearold guy who her mom met on the internet and moved in. He smokes pot in his room. He gets naked and plays with himself on his webcam to younger girls, its just ******* sick! 4-5-6-7. Her cousin and her cousins 3 kids share one room also in this trailer. she has 1 girl and 2 boys and all of them in school. sll four should not be in the same room together. 8. Her grandma has her own room and is disabled in a wheel chair i'm not talking **** about her i care about that woman alot. 9-10. The mother of my son, my ex shares a room with my son who is a year now so hat means hes supposed to have his own room in which at my place he will. She gets annoyed with him and wont even let him sleep in his bed. she takes him to her mom every night so her mom can put him to sleep in a playpen in her moms room that has way too much **** he can hurt himself with in there. So with all of this going on, does this seem like an unfit place for my son to stay? Oh and almost forgot, that same trailer is in foreclosure. The mother of my son does not have a job, a car, or a license. I have all 3 and a place to stay by myself with an extra room already set up for my son. Please give me advice??? i just want my little boy back

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