Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fill in the blanks in this paragraph proof:?

Because x has coordinate (1,1) and Y has coordinates (1,7) XY lies on the vertical line x=1. The perpendicular bisector of XY is the horizontal line that pes through (1, (1+7)/2) or (1,4), so the equation of the perpendicular bisector of XY is y=4. Because x has coordinates (1,1) and Z has coordinates (5,1), XZ lies on the horizontal line y=1. The perpendicular bisector of XZ is the vertical line that pes through (1, (1+5)/2) or (1,3), so the equation of the perpendicular bisector of XZ is x=3. Draw the lines y=4 and x=3. They intersect at the point (3,4). This point is the center of the circle that cirscribes triangle XYZ

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