Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Would this be considered distruction of property? Heart-wrenching story. :\?

My boyfriends mom was living with her boyfriend, and he's very controling and abusive. Well my boyfriends dad had a brain anurism (spelling) and now he's in a nursing home. my boyfriends mom got a call from the nursing home saying that he wasn't doing well, so she went up there. his moms boyfriend cut's hair and he had a schedule for her, she didn't show up but she texted him saying she was going to be late, he got mad so she called his mom to tell her she was on her way home. My boyfriends mom was suppose to come over for wedding planning stuff but she never showed up and when we called her, her phone was off. So we called her boyfriend, and he texted us and said "i can't make it" acting like he was her. Two days later we get a call from the hospital saying she was there. We drove up there and she was all bruised up, the doctor diagnosed her with Lacerations, and concussion, and contusions. Later she told us he wouldn't let her leave, he took her phone, and her car keys and kept her in the house for two days. That night the cops escorted us to the house so we could get all his stuff and get him arrested. But he wasn't there. We got all her stuff and realized he had broken all her deceased mother's china from all over the world, tore her clothes to shreads, cut the cords off of everything, and broke what was left. So she in return did the same thing to him, now he's sueing her for distruction of property even though she lived there?

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