Thursday, August 18, 2011

91 eagle talon wont start?

I just bought a 91 eagle talon - it wont start now. I replace the starter and cylinoid. I looked at the wiring diagram and found that it may be an inhibitor switch gone bad. Where is such a switch? We can push start the car so it will run. When you put the key in it wont roll over - jut clicks

I'm afraid to get intimate with a girl due to my deformity..?

I honestly don't think anyone would notice. Many women have a larger on one side than the other, and men don't usually notice. I wouldn't worry about it.

Are these unfit living conditions for my son?

ok, My ex and I split up almost a month ago. I am a proud father. My son is a year old. Up until we broke up i always took care of him, was raising him, taught him so much. He loves me and I love him. I was in his life the whole time since he was conceived. When we broke up, she flipped out and left to st louis. Our homes are in florida. she shacked up with a bunch of random dudes up there with my son with her that she didnt even know. This whole time shes been telling me she will never let me see my son again and she hates me and **** like that. So i get a call from her about a week later and she had no way back home and thats my son over there so what do i do? I drove for 43 hours there and back to get her and my son. When she got back in florida she is still keeping him from me and will not let me see him. I want dcf to be involved because i believe where she is living is unfit for my son. i know this because i used to live there too. lets start with how many people live in the trailer.10 people live in the 5 bedroom trailer. 1. Her mom, she sells her scripts she gets every month and thats illegal. 2. Her brother. He sleeps on a couch in the living room and hes 26 years old. he's constantly smoking pot, drinking snorting xanax and cocaine ever so often. 3.This random 50 yearold guy who her mom met on the internet and moved in. He smokes pot in his room. He gets naked and plays with himself on his webcam to younger girls, its just ******* sick! 4-5-6-7. Her cousin and her cousins 3 kids share one room also in this trailer. she has 1 girl and 2 boys and all of them in school. sll four should not be in the same room together. 8. Her grandma has her own room and is disabled in a wheel chair i'm not talking **** about her i care about that woman alot. 9-10. The mother of my son, my ex shares a room with my son who is a year now so hat means hes supposed to have his own room in which at my place he will. She gets annoyed with him and wont even let him sleep in his bed. she takes him to her mom every night so her mom can put him to sleep in a playpen in her moms room that has way too much **** he can hurt himself with in there. So with all of this going on, does this seem like an unfit place for my son to stay? Oh and almost forgot, that same trailer is in foreclosure. The mother of my son does not have a job, a car, or a license. I have all 3 and a place to stay by myself with an extra room already set up for my son. Please give me advice??? i just want my little boy back

Ridley Scott and Carl Barlow made what famous [bike ride]?

In 1973, Hovis became lodged in the public imagination through an evocative television advertisement, "Boy on Bike" (a.k.a. "Boy on the Bike" and "Bike Ride"), directed by Ridley Scott though Collett enson Pearce & Partners and featuring the slow movement of Antonín Dvořák's Symphony No. 9 rearranged for br. The ad was filmed on Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, Dorset. This advertisement was repeated on British television for a 10-day run in May 2006 to commemorate the firm's 120th anniversary. The boy on the bike, Carl Barlow, then aged 13 became a firefighter in East Ham in 1979.[1]

Can anybody use the motorized carts at Walmart?

I'm 27 and am able to walk. Would they get mad if I used one, or are they only reserved for senior citizens and the morbidly obese?

Is this large?xxxxxxxx?

No it's not at all. The women you are talking about on hollyoaks are tiny - you don't realise how abnormally skinny they are until you see them compared to 'real' people (like cheryl cole and posh beckham standing next to a normal person).

Should my hibiscus be left inside or out?

I have had my hibiscus since April and i put it in a ot but now since it is winter time (i live in west virginia) I brought it in the house, but all the leave have died off from it. Should i just leave it outside where it can get the fresh air it needs?

How is it not a terribly Un-Christian thing to vote?

I have been thinking ( I am a Christian) Why do Christians participate in secular politics? When we vote for particular candidates, we are placing our faith in those candidates to enforce OUR beliefs, how does the enforcement of our values promote Love, Kindness, Joy, Patience, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control?

How do I make my teeth whiter?

If baking soda isn't helping. Crest white strips always work.. They are expensive but the effects can last years! Give them a try. They're safe. :)

Torn Right Rotator Cuff?

Alright, I'm 14 and I know I torn my right rotator cuff muscle, the subscapularis, because of a MRI I had last year, It's supposably all better now. Well now it's baseball season and everyone time I throw it either pops, clicks, or hurts, any ideal on what's going on?

Why isn't there any blue in any of the Catholic garbs?

because colors are according to the season.. some use the blue in the marian feasts but it's not popular.. the church designed a color according to each season.. like violet in holy week

Photoshop won't open my PSD file picture?

Whenever I try to open my file, Photoshop wants to open up a new, blank file instead. I haven't encountered this problem before, and have been using it for a while. All help is appreciated :)

Virus on my Hard drive. Can someone help?

A couple months ago, I plugged my External Hard drive into a PC and it got a .scr virus or something like that.. It changed my doents into shortcuts. I look at the properties for it and it syas i'm using 20gigs of space (because of my games) but I can't find them anywhere! I tried looking at hidden folders and nothing. It's like an invidible barrier that won't let me access my files... I've tried scanning and eliminating the virus (which I did) but it isn't fully removed (I used Malaware Anti-bytes) -- How can I get this off?

Obsolete Ammunition, where can I obtain newly made rounds in UK?

If it's possible to import components, you can visit a href="" rel="nofollow" to pick up a set of very, very high quality reloadable br for the 11mm Beaumont, and the 8mm Lebel can be special ordered from them as well. LEE Precision makes bullet molds with which you can cast bullets, and their LEE clic reloading kit can reload a single caliber for far less than most reloaders. You'll have to have it custom ordered for those calibers, but it's the only way I know how to do it.

How is your personal style look like?

for your hair, use a 3 barrel curling iron and weave your hair through it instead of using it normal, it gives it an extra twist

Do you think Obama's staff had any involvment in the Illinois Senate scandal?

Obama said "we didn't have any...errr, I didn't have any involvement in the scandal" Is the "we" that he changes to just an "I" his Transition staff?

Is it strange to get your Period/ Menstrual cycle early?

I mean to ask this because I have experienced that every 21 days or less I am seeing my period and sometimes twice in ome month. The last time I saw my period was last month in february towards the end and now it began this week. I dont get it and I checked the calender and it seemed a few days early thsn usual. Do I have a medical problem or should i not be worried about anything?

How much Jewish blood/descent do you need in order to be considered "Jewish"?

at least 25%. if you convert to judaism you are not ethnically a jew. you are just a believer in judaism. i am jewish but i do not even follow the religion. and yes jewish is deffinitely an ethnic group. many of the american ones are not true jews honestly. they are only converts. true jewish people are middle eastern or have some blood from jews in the middle east.

History on a House barberton,ohio, 1921, 188 E. cell ave?

Owners for 4 years, We know it is a Bungalow Style house and would like to know the history and some other info. about it's past further back from 10 years

I don't understand English/American education system....can you please explain it to me ?

well it's hard to have a closed highschool unless its private, if you goto a public highschool be prepared to deal with the real public. Everyone is not like you and you are not like anyone else. There are vocational highschools if you know what you wanna do but most kids at 15-17 don't know what they want to do with their lives.

Changing Position in Canadian Armed Forces.?

I Recently joined the the Canadian Armed Forces as a Sonar Operator in the Navy. I have been thinking about it and I realized that I don't want to do this at all because it's starting to seem really boring. Is there anyway I can change my position and maybe go into the Army instead?

Cool chain letters plz?

yes its true im asking to get chain letters nothing stupid like "if i dont repost this freddy kruger will my dog"....... i dont like my dogs lol some cool ones

What's the Translation of this song please help: Soya 's "Oh Tears...Oh Sadness"?

You can use the babylon to do what you want. It's the best dictionary and translation tool: a href="" rel="nofollow"

Linguists, Programmers, would threre be any databases to merge the best mos convenient language of the world?

You can, but you shouldn't. LAnguages have evolved during thousands of years and each one has it self etimology and logic. If you create a new language by mixing others it won't have future, cannot be supported. A language serves for communicating. Not for remembering data. That's computers' task, not ours.

Should i Bleach my hair or perm it?

My hair is pin stright and i cant decide between perming it (so its like wavey curly) or bleaching it blonde i want to do both but that will reck my hair so whaich one should i do?

16 & Going Too Meet A Lad Off The Internet [Please Read+Long]?

He sounds like a decent guy. If you'd just met online and suddenly decided to meet in real life, there'd be more cause for concern, but you've known him long enough that it's safe to ume he's not some sort of online predator. Still, take a few reasonable precautions. Have the first meeting be in a public place, preferably in the middle of the day. Have a friend call you an hour or two in, just to check up and make sure everything's fine. After that, just have fun and see how things go.

Best Grilled Lobster in ponce, pr?? is it pitos seafood? hows the location?

Im staying at the hilton in ponce and was looking for a romantic but not crazy expensive place for grilled lobster and breathtaking views. ive heard that pitos is the place. can anyone confirm this or recommend something better?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Help edit a mystery short story?

I'd recommend Wattpad. It's such a supportive community of readers and writers. Everyone is really helpful and there are amazing readers who can help improve your story. You can check out the website (it's just

Has anyone got there ear lope dermal punched? I want it to 10g, how badly will it hurt? Is it worth it?

i tried stretching my ears with tapers. I took my tapers out, and my hole grew over completely i don't want to go with tapers again, because you always have to keep up with them. And i don't want to be spending the money every 2-3 weeks. Would it just be easier do get a dermal punch? How badly does it hurt? And the pricing is 10$ a gauge, how much would being punched to a 10gauge be?

Song by emy (or emi or MI) need help?

it is an music artist which is pronounced like M.I. but it is not that. do you know who this artist is?

Should i go to swimming this Saturday or not?

If it looks healed enough, you should be fine. If it's still sore and feels discomforting do not go. If it opened up it could result in serious problems!


Whats your favorite song right now I need to know some good ones that I can put on my ipod it doesnt have to be hip hop just not like likin park or country even though taylor swift is good love her song :) ok thanks!

I am becoming depressed... help?

I'm really sorry to hear that. Your best option is to just tell your mom what you told us. If they're really good friends that you can't stand not being around (which I'm guessing I'm right), you really have to tell her that you are depressed. Tell her what the problem is and how she's being too picky choosy with your friends. Also, tell her that a friend is a friend, and your friends mean a lot to you. Don't forget to say that you will not turn out like them, if you really mean it.

How can I get my window up on a 1991 Mercury Topaz when my the motor has gone bad?

I have a 1991 Mercury Topaz and the window is stuck down and the motor has gone bad. Is there any way I can get the window up?

Why do I not "fit in"? Can I be a snob?

I have always had older friends too. The thing for us was that our parents were drunks and addicts, so we had lived more life by 12-years-old than most people did in their whole lives. We didn't play with other kids, we had real life issues to deal with. We could relate better with our teachers than our clmates. I don't think it makes you a snob, you have to be friends with who you are comfortable with. Just be yourself.

Rush Limbaugh - do you REALLY believe what he says?

Limbaugh deals in propaganda, character ination and disinformation. That's what he gets paid to do. Is he a true believer? Maybe. Does it matter? Not really. As with ALL of the right wing radio 'entertainers' he constantly lards all kinds of accusations onto the right wing's all purpose strawman, the 'far left liberals'. A 'far left liberal' is anyone not fully on board with the GOP/Teabag/Fox 'news'/Jesus party's corporate masters. This is an organization that has purged ALL of the Eisenhower/Nixon/Jerry Ford republicans out of the party. Any moderate republican is called a exceptions! Oddly, politically, economically and socially the democrats are about where the the Eisenhower Republicans used to be. The idea that a large population of the people in this country are 'socialists', hate America and want to destroy the christian faith, teach kids to be gay in government schools and raise your taxes is just plain goofy. Yet this is the major theme of Limbaugh and his clones. The idea that Barack Obama is a non-American muslim who belongs to a radical christian church, hates white people, wants to take your guns and turn the US over to the UN is typical of the 'information' that pes for objective reality on right wing radio and FOX. This business of right wing radio isn't just something 'that happened'. Right wing radio is the semi-official Ministry of Propaganda for the GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus party, an organization whose one and only purpose is to pimp for the trans national corporations and the 5% of Americans who before the next decade is out will own 95% of all the wealth of this country. The end result will be a fascisti/corporation-ist 'security' state where poverty is institutionalized and hard right 'religion' will take the place of fair wages, good benefits, world cl education and decent retirement. If you believe that Americans should aspire to fair wages, safe working conditions, a clean environment, a robust social and physical infrastructure, excellent education, affordable HEALTH INSURANCE, and decent retirement for the elderly YOU are a 'liberal' in the dictionary sense of the word. You're not a 'far left liberal' in some pejorative sense of the word as Limbaugh suggests, You're not a socialist if you believe that corporations chartered by the United States should pay their taxes, and you're not a communist if you believe in fair play for the 95% of us that work for wages. All the more reason to bring back the 'Fairness Doctrine'. You may quote me!

10 Points to best answer!!! how do i block a website........?

so theres this thing called power school and i don't want my parents to be able to look at my grades all the time, so i want to block the website so its inaccessible on their computer. how do i do that?

What is the best .40 S&W semi-auto handgun for under $450 used?

I have looked at the Glock 22 , the Springfield XD , and the Smith and Wesson Sigma series in .40 cal and I am not sure if these are some of the best choices. Magazine capacity, reliability, accuracy, and price are what is important to me. Any other choices that are comprable or better would also be great imput!

Why do americans and canadians say 'british accent' ?

im english and there is 3 very different accents in briton and even more regional why not just say english accent or scottish for example?

Xbox 360 Modded Controller Rappid Fire?

You make me ashamed to be from Boston. Rapid fire controller is stupid. And your stupid because I know how much they cost and the fact that u spent that money to get a couple extra kills in cod means you've never been laid. Take the cupcake out of ur mouth and get a job u cheating retard

Loony toons question?

does anybody know the name of the cartoon where speedy gonzalez and the road runner raced and where i can find said cartoon?

I want to love,im just afraid?

Im lonely,i desperately want company,well not desperately but i wouldn't mind someone to share my life with,i just dont have any self confidence,im shy and and worst of all im mentally ill,well used to be,but that doesn't matter women see nutter and the hell are people like me gonna get a chance if im labelled and to scared to appraoch anyone.why did my life end before it began,

Best Men's Shaving Razor?

I use an electric razor, so I have no clue about disposable/reusable razors for men. I'm going abroad to visit a friend, and want to give him razors and their cartridges as a gift because he's in desperate need of good-quality razors. I've heard of the Gillette Fusion and the Gillette Mach 3. Are these any good? Are there any other kinds out there that are very good? How much would razors and cartridges cost? Thanks in advance for your answers.

Can you be a FCC provider off base in Okinawa Japan?

I want to watch children while we are stationed over there but we want to live OFF base. Do you know if your allowed to do that?

Are Dutch and Deutsch alike in any way?

There are similarities.However English and Dutch are much closer.Dutch grammar is much easier than German grammar.If you know some German it would help a lot to learn Dutch.

DC Metro Way Cool Subway Animation?

here is a few? maybe you can find it. if not i dont know how else to it really that important

I need some advice on bridesmaid dresses!?

I had found a bridesmaid dress that I love and would go wonderfully with what I want for my wedding (i dont have a date yet). However when I showed it to the girls in my party they all hated it- they want to wear something else. The dress I picked was a completely wearable dress and on the cheaper side but because they are plus-sized they said it would look horrible. I have had some people say that it's my wedding and I should have what I want but I don't want to hear a lot of complaining. I have been in 2 weddings and had to pay for expensive dresses that I can never wear again. One I was able to donate to charity because it was still kinda pretty but the other I wouldn't dare make someone else wear it.

BANDIT 600, put new pads on bike, bled the brakes, but after doing 60 miles they r still spongy. why is this?

I've got a 2001 Bandit 600, back brakes had been feeling spongy so decided to replace pads, done this and bled brakes, but after doing approx 60 miles brakes are no better. When you press the brake there is nothing. Can anyone tell me how to get them working?

Simple Shrimp and Scallop Recipe?

Today at the store, I was craving shrimp and scallops, so I bought some from the meat counter even though I had no real plan of how I wanted to cook them. SO I didn't buy any fancy ingredients to do anything spectacular. So what is a simple recipe you would recommend for Shrimp and scallops that uses simple ingredients? I would like to just fry them in a pan, like a stir-fry perhaps. Suggestions?

Girl Problems, Anyone want to help?

Okay so there's this girl Alexia in my school. She's in two of my cles, and we see each other a lot during the day. She talks to me a lot in school, and we text and talk on aim a lot also. She recently dumped her boyfriend and told me everything the night it happened. Usually I'm the one who engages in the conversation and it seems that she is just a little interested in me, but not really. How can i get her to fall for me, and want to be around me a lot more?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What are some great vst effects for vocals that will make them sound professional?

i've been recording and my vocals don't seem to match the beat.. the beats too low, the vocals too out in front.. how do i make the vocals and beat at the same level without it messing up the sound quality? any vst plug-ins ?? what should i do?

How to switch the transmitter on an rc helicopter?

my helicopter is kick *** its a tandem 3ch military thingy im too lazy to type the rest anyway the trim is messed up cuz whenever i take off the stupid thing goes c razy and spins out of control. Soooooo i wanted to switched to a better transmitter thth i already have tht has an actual nob for a trim thingy ... so if anyone knows to to switch the transmitter on an rc helicopter plz help

Rate/Fix Yugioh Deck?

great deck but u need to add a few more monsters or take out some spells because u have more spells and traps then monsters and that can sometimes be a problem if u need monsters to attack or if your opponent has no monsters to defend or u need to defend yourself. 9/10

Dirty engagement rings plz help?

i have a sterling sliver band ring wit diamond accents and a light blue topaz center stone i was wondering if i could clean it with clorox and water help me out plz and if you had some reference as to how the methed you would use works i would be greatful thanks

Sponge Curlers??? Hair Help.?

I was going to curl some of my hair for school tomorrow by putting in sponge curlers and letting them set over night. Usually when i would wake up, the top of my head would be all messy, but I didn't want to comb it because then the curls would untangle. How can I make my hair look gorgeous, with no fly- a -ways or with out it looking messy in the morning.

Where can I download free Titanic Movie Clips?

I am referring to the 1997 Film of Paramount and Twentieth Century Fox, Titanic, starring Leonardo diCaprio and Kate Winslet in the direction of James Cameron. Could anybody please tell me where to download Titanic Movie CLips?

What's wrong with me? Do I like him or over him?

Awww you like this guy ^^ I don't think you are over him, it is hard to be over someone so quickly unless you find another guy.

How can I get my shipmates to leave me alone?

I'm in the Navy so I'm putting this in the military section because only military people would fully understand the question. I work on a ship that's underway about 8 months out of the year. I directly work with 4 other people on the ship. 2 of them are ok, and the other 2 live on the ship and don't know how to entertain themselves. We're in drydock for 6 months right now so I got an apartment that's 4 miles from our pier so I don't have to drive far to work. We all got BAH, but they got cheap apartments that are far away so they can save more money (not for any good reason, just goof around money). I didn't think about it at the time, but that means that it's also very easy for my coworkers to drop by too. They started coming over every single day and hanging out for 4-6 hours and then going back to the ship to sleep and I got mad one day and told them to go away and they did for a couple of weeks. Now, they're starting to come over again and pounding on my door for 15 minutes and throwing rocks at my window trying to get inside so they can hang out at my place. I've told them a few times that I don't want them to come over and they're just ignoring me. I'm trying really hard not to flip out at them because for 24 hours a day, 8 months a year I live and work right in the same room with them. I'm trying not to go to our supervisors or the police or anything. Do you have any ideas because I'm out?

How do I build up my strength/muscle?

For your arms, you could do a push up routine (ex. 10 push ups monday 15 push ups tuesday and so on) and for your there are exercises on this website:

Is it possible to be in the navy reserves and also get into border patrol?

our son is just finishing A school as a medical corpsman and wondered if he would be able to make that work with being in border patrol. Would that cause scheduling issues?

He says he really likes me but he's "scared" and "rubbish at relationships", what does it all mean?

Sounds like when he says he is "rubbish at relationships" it means he is rubbish at relationships. This guy is playing with you. If he was actually into you, he would not let things fizzle. Find a guy who is willing to put in the effort for you to know that he actually cares.

LSD,Magic mushrooms and DMT????? Please clickey?

No this isn't a good idea, and you shouldn't be doing them either. I feel like that would be fun to try myself but really, it's just going to be more problems. People with anxiety issues and/or ocd shouldn't be messing with their heads, trust me. When the high has gone and the "what if's...?" invade, you'll wish you hadn't done it.

Converting from machine representation to ascii code?

I am asked to show the machine representation of the number 255 in ascii..... I have no idea how to convert from machine to ascii if someone could please help me I would really appreciate it!!

Suggestions for Machina Gadget Deck?

its a gadget deck you dont need synchros for it, only the fortress dragon. you can add the heavy mech support unions that came with structure box they add 500 atk to you monster so it helps. add another force you discard him so you only get rid of one card for the fortress. the gorz and tragoedia arent really needed, they make it so you cant run solidarity and with gadget decks you almost never have an empty field cause when you summon a gadget you get one to your hand so you wont have monster promblems. the zombie is okay if you want it in their as he can be removed from play by his effect making it possible to use solidarity. id switch the torential for a lightning vortex cause it hurts you to.

A question about Brock Lesnar?

What do you think of him as a person outside the octagon? For those who want Lesnar beat, what do you think those other guys like Shane Carwin, Velasquez, and Royce Gracie (in his prime) would have to do in order to stand a chance to beat the big, and seemingly Invincible Fighter, and arguably the world's strongest man alive, and the world's number one fighter? From my view, these fighters will need to have excellent fighting skill and techniques, as well as speed, and a great deal of stamina to wear Lesnar out. The fight would have to be kept on the stand up mode, as Brock being the more powerful fighter will win a ground pounding wrestling match, or slugging match almost every time. Brock Lesnar may seem invulnerable since he's so big, and strong and he uses it very well to his advantage to beat his opponents in MMA and wrestling. If Bruce Lee were around today in his prime, and Lesnar were to fight each other not in the UFC octagon, but in a real life and death fight with Bruce defending himself when there are no rules or regulations. I'll bet Lee as in excellent physical shape as he was wouldn't be able to compare with Lesnar in a ground wrestling, or a slugging match. He'd have to stay away from him, and rely on his superior speed, skill, and flexibility to have any kind of chance to beat him. I think Brock Lesnar CAN be beat by anyone sooner or later who is a much better fighter at any given time, but he like boxing's Mike Tyson in the late '80s seems unbeatable due to his natural brute strength and athleticism. He's just hard to beat since he can certainly dish out and take a lot of punishment in order to close in on his opponents in the ring.


The reason I first came in was for an experience of brotherhood and leadership skills. I gained great discipline and learned a lot but it seems like the Army is changing because now people are coming in just for a paycheck. The values are starting to dissapear and soldiers are acting ghetto and like they are back on the block male and females. I have a Pt tets coming up this week but even though I max out like always I know I will be flagged for the second time in less than a year and that means Chaptered out. I have been told by numorous high ranking NCO's that i could speak to the Battalion CO to explain my situation so that I may stay in. In a way I think about it but then I remember that the Army that I believed in is going down the drain. I have seen many outstanding NCO' and soldiers get treated like dirt that they just take the uniform off and go they're seperate way. It is sad to see so many hard working leaders and caring troops leave the Army. It seems like the service now caters to people who just want to look out for themselves and soldiers who really arent really soldiers. I feel it is my time to leave but again I dont know if it will be the right move?

Who should I be? HELP!?

Ok, I'm doing this acting summer camp called CYT. We are doing The Lion King and I was wondering if I should try out for Nala-the lead lioness- or Shenzi-the evil girl hyena- It's my first year in this camp but I have done other camps, but not CYT. Should I be the lead role or the evil girl, please help!

How many partitions can an MS-DOS-type partition table describe?

4 Primary Partitions but any number of Logical Partitions within one of the Primary Partitions (typically anything that can be igned a drive letter from c: to z:)

istance needed with xbox 360 + Optical Audio..?

So i bought this cable a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and i plug one end into my 360 and one end into my tv and voilà, no sound. So now im stuck, and do not know what to do. Is it the wrong cable, or is something else at fault? Thanks in advance

Project Gotham Racing 4 Or in's Creed?

Should I get PGR4 or in's Creed I am trading Burnout Paradise Which one is better I really want to play online though which one?????????

Do you care if Obama doesn't follow the constitution by being a natural born citizen?

If Obama knows that he is not “a natural born Citizen” who never renounced his American citizenship, then he also knows that he and his henchmen have perpetrated numerous election-related frauds throughout the country—the latest, still-ongoing one a colossal swindle targeting the American people as a whole. If that is the case, his refusal “to be a witness against himself” is perfectly explicable and even defensible on the grounds of the Fifth Amendment. Howsoever justified as a matter of criminal law, though, Obama’s silence and inaction will not obviate the necessity for him to prove his eligibility for “the Office of President.” The Constitution may permit him to “take the Fifth;” but it will not suffer him to employ that evasion as a means to usurp the Presidency of the United States.

What would admissions at competitive universities (MIT/UPenn/Cornell/Vanderbilt/… think of this?

If you explain what's involved in the programming (hopefully actual programming that leads to skills in other languages) then it can be a plus to your application. The fact that it's for WoW won't hurt since you didn't say you spent all your time on it. But don't count on it being a huge help to your application, more of a curiosity.

Army service hat question, question about uniform regulation?

I'm enlisting as a 68w40 (Combat Medic Ranger). When I graduate BCT will I get a service hat, or do you get that as an NCO? a href="" rel="nofollow" A hat like this, I think they look much nicer than a beret.

Was he lying or was he genuine and shud I call him instead of txting?

I feel like this is why drunken relationships never work out. It's never a good sign when your relationship starts off with the two of you being hammered!

What would happen to my eyes if I force them and cause eye strains regularly?

I'm nearsighted and I have a pair of gles. I'm tired of them but can't get contacts (my eyes become red and dry and I'm also extremely afraid of putting them in). Now for a few days, I've been squinting to see the board, refusing the aid of gles and they have caused headaches. Am I doing something dangerous to my eyes? What could happen to it?

Who secretly wants the world to hurry up and come to an end?

No to be honest I don't. I love the planet and it's very beautiful (except for the smogs and deforestations here and there).

Where can i get Glucosamine Hydrochloride ?

Go to "" on the Internet, if they somehow don't have it they will get it for you or tell you where to find it

When do you unlock the Driftwood Island Bridge quest in Fable 3?

I beat the main story of Fable 3 and upon completion got quite a few quests. All of them took place in Aurora, except for one that took place in Millfield. The Millfield one was not the man who wanted to build the bridge to Driftwood though. The quest I got was a man who wanted to see hobs or something of that sort. I am just curious how to get the quest in which the man wants to build a bridge to Driftwood. Anyone know how?

Are liberals really so uneducated that they do not see the irony of?

European countries are smaller and have a lot more sway over their government. In turn, their governments are a lot more powerful than the US Federal Government.


I had some chicken florentine crepes the other day and found them delightful, but what I need to know is what makes something florentine? Is it a specific sauce, combination of spices? I would really like to know exactly what "florentine" is.

NASA's "acting" administrator...? Christopher Scolese. Does anyone have any background information on him (other than the little 6 paragraph blurbs found on wikipedia)? Or information on exactly how "temporary" his position as "acting" administrator is? Or who might be in consideration as a non-interim type administrator?

Are feminists angry Toy Story 3 was the most successful film of the year?

of course they are lol a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Seniors, do you enjoy burning things like leaves or sticks outside?

I do. I live in town now and have to pick up sticks and rake leaves to the side of the street so the city workers can collect them. I really miss burning things like this outside. It must be a primal thing.

Did i do a horrible mistake?

I slept with a waitress yesterday as she needed money for buying an air ticket.I did not ask her she was the one who asked me after i tipped her quite generously.Im a virgin and the offer was too tempting.She was so desperate she even told me that she could take me to the doc where she had her medical tests.I did not go there but i saw here ceritificate and she was clean and looked healthy.She did not looked guilty or anything after we did it and told me i was very generous as i gave her a lil extra....did i do the right thing?

How can i marry my marine? I live in the states and he is stationed in okinawa, japan. What do we need to do?

no, you don't need to be in the same location. i know someone who did this. i'm sorry i don't know the details but i'm pretty sure your marine will be able to find out more about it than you will since it's probably common with them.

Middle Name for Lilah Ecklund?

We are having a little girl in one month, we are going to name her Lilah and her last name is Ecklund, but we don't have a middle name. Does anyone have some suggestions?

Garnier Fructis, Aussie, or Herbal Essences?

Hi! I'm looking to get a new shampoo for my hair, but im not quite sure which one to get. My hair is about 2-3 inches below my shoulders and curly/wavy. I straighten my hair, and i want a shampoo that leaves it feeling moisturized, soft, shiny, and smooth when im finished. I'd also like it to smell good :) Im currently using aussie and have been for quite some time. I want to change it up because aussie worked very nicely in the beginning, but it now seems as though the effects have begun to wear off. If you have you any or all of these shampoos, please tell me your opinion for each (i.e softness, smoothness, silkiness, and smell) thank you so much!

Whys there always belly shirts in cartoons?

luanne from king of the hill aimee from futurerama vicky from the fairly odd parents and theres many more i was wondering why is there so many half tops in cartoons

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why was Aaliyah's crypt moved?

Because the mausoleum that they wanted her to be in wasn't finished being built yet. Once it was done being built, they moved her into it.

Should i trade miguel cabrera for robinson cano?

i have sandoval who can play first, and scott rolen who can fill for third but don't really have anyone at second base.

What steps did Hitler take to establish a Nazi totalitarian state in Germany? ?

I did not even know he was elected this was fascinating this article I found from wikpedia,_1933

Spider help identifying?

I live in PA and the one lives on my porch it's all black with white dots on it's back looks like a black widow but idt cuz the have the hourgl the other one is always hanging upside down on the deck its grey with red on it's back it fuzzy and the othe one is all orange and it's not the real tiny one it's all orange and and about an inch big

Why is it so terrible for a girl to hope to find a man who's financially stable?

It's not terrible at face value, but if that's priority or a deal breaker then yes it is very shallow. I'm not a millionaire but I will provide for you. Now go find us another box, this one's getting wet. :)

What do you think of the song:My Story by Sean McGee?

I love it..he talking real stuff, I wonder what was his main reason why he wrote it? is he tryna tell us something?

Is this Sadistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder or both?

Yes it is related to A.S.P.D, but I don't think if you were that you would actually be boasting about it on the internet of all places.

My creepers are not spawning in minecraft?

My friendly mobs are spawning and so are slimes. but other mobs r not spawning. i am using sdk gun mod too many items and single player commands. i am trying to spawn them using single player commands

Which comedy group do you think had the best humor during their time?

The Three Stooges because slapstick needed no explanation or funny dialouge. (Chaplin did slapstick but his movies weren't always funny.) The others depended on comedian and straight man, and since a lot of people then didn't grasp English, it left them in the dark.

Have any of you ever swam with dolphins in the bahamas?

Don't do it through the cruise line. The hotel Atlantis offers swimming with the dolphins and it is not $185!! Some of the dolphins are in a secluded area and your boyfriend doesn't even have to go in the water he can stand on shore and watch you...

How do you clean your Pur water filter?

I have a pur water pitcher that came with a replacement filter a while ago and we stopped using it. I lost the instructions and I forgot how to clean the filter! How do you clean the water filter? Thanks sooo sooo much!

How many violation noticed can I get before it happens....?

There are no hard and fast rules or numbers about suspension. If the offense is bad enough, it will take only one violation to do it. For lesser offenses, it will take multiple ones. If you get them fast and furious, that will probably do it, but a few tered here and there should not.

When did we become an Atheist country?

I'm not a bible thumper, but I just read about an atheist group that wants crosses taken down that honor fallen CHRISTIAN police officers in Utah. What next, take down crosses in front of churches because they are in public eye? I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. I completely understand the separation of church and state, but it does not state any where in our constitution that we cannot celebrate our religious beliefs when it comes to honoring the dead (such as the flag folding controversy at funerals - give me a friggin break!). Can I get some intelligent feedback here? Rude and ignorant comments will get ya reported. GOD BLESS!

How to make specific caws on xbox 360?

I have already made samoa joe and rhino, and I did them by pictures but is there a site or something I can find specific step by step ways how to make them?

Atheists how would you resolve this?

I am an atheist. My fiance's family is catholic, my fiance is agnostic. His mother is set on a priest marrying us but I don't want any religion in the ceremony. She is very headstrong and we will probably have to deal with her wrath if we use a judge instead of a religious figurehead. What would you do in these cirstances?

DIRT BIKE!!!! Whats the Advantage of a 2 stroke compared to a 4 stroke?

im looking to buy a new bike soon. im looking at a 2004 KTM 300cc MXC 2 stroke. im really use to 4 strokes.

Question about my Cat's eye?

My cat's eye isn't opening. (she is a barn kitty, outside all the time) Usually, in the morning, she has goop in her eyes. Even from the time she was an indoor kitty. I usually pick it out. This morning, though, one of her eyes was shut. It had a little goop on it. I wasn't sure if she was scratched in her eye by another animal, or if it shut because of the goop. I opened it halfway, and it looks fine. Should I open it the rest of the way? do you think it was the goop? If so, should I use a wet wash cloth just like to open a human's eye with pink eye?

I need help in the lovesick department?

My Son's12 yr.Marriage has just ended and he's not taking it very well cries all the time and he has 2 kids 10 and 7 who needs their Father but he is so tore about his fail marriage that i don't know how to bring him back i need some help what do i say to him to comfort him,I talked to him for hours and try to say the right things and comfort him but nothing is working its just been a week since they split up.Any comforting advise out there please Thank You

MacBook or MacBook Air for highschool/college student?

i would say get a macbook or a macbook pro because i have had min for a few years now (for university) and it hasn't had any problems what so ever. Macbook Air's most likely won't have the space and drivers that you will need as a college student.

Why am i such an aggressive person? and how do i stop it?

i was in a really bad relationship where i never got what i wanted..and wasted my that why now im the aggressor in my relationships that end up all just being ual? please i need help

Muslims, what is your take on this verse?

see answer here a href="" rel="nofollow"

What happens if i put mashed potatoes in an omlette?

i want to make a frittata type omelette, but i thought it would be better if i mash the potatoes and put them with the eggs then if i cut them up. just a little though, not enough to make it too thick

Any techie geek here ??

The encryption only kicks in and becomes effective only when the TPM is unavailable OR the person trying to access the information doesn't p the correct credentials that contain the encryption key. So say hypothetically you lose your laptop and or it gets stolen I wouldn't be able to take my handy external USB IDE / SATA hard drive hard drive reader and look at any files on your system. Now I would from my understanding be able to wipe the hard drive and reload everything on it but I wouldn't be able to recover any of your files.

The most evil person in history?

Vlad the Impaler gets my vote, He would drink peoples blood, drain thier blood in to tubs and bath in it. Ride through town sticking peoples heads on pikes giving him the name "Vlad the Impaler" this guy is also known as the original Count Dracula or Drăculea meaning son of the devil, Some people say Hitler, But he was more of a leader/Dictator. What do you guys think?

Can a servelet be used to access computer files,merely by opening a spam or dubious email?

This matter was seen in a Roy Grace novel by Peter James and if the information is correct,could it be prevented/cancelled especially on a public access computer as in a library

HELP! I got my credit report and I have something called NCO Fin 22 and I have no idea what its for?

SO I got a copy of my credit report the other day and it has something in it from some company called NCO Fin/22 and I have no idea what it is for and do not recognize it at all. What should I do?


ok so i went to the eye doctor and turns out i had a contact in my eye still...thats why it was all red and ouch and all so i got it out and now apparently my cornea is torn and he gave me eye drops and my eye is still really red does anyone know when the redness will go down ???

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Question about starting solids...?

When she just pushes stuff out with her tongue it means that she's not psychologically ready for solids yet. When she is she will start swallowing on her own and her tongue pushing reflex will diminish. It is recommended that you wait until at least 6 months until you introduce solids because the baby's gut is still open until then.

Vogue or Vanity Fair Magazine section with Photo of the Cast of Phantom of the Opera?

I remember in either Vogue or Vanity Fair of Emmy Rossum, Gerald Butler, Minni Driver, Andrew Lloyd Webber in an Opera house. Which magazine is it?

Do the CD's you buy nowadays get skippy more easily- has the quality gone down?

I have some of the first CD's I ever bought that look like they would skip like crazy, but play fine. Conversely I have newer CD's that feel lighter and scratch and skip really easily. (It's 2006- and they can't make a music medium that doesn't get screwed up really easily???) And the record industry wonders why everyone just downloads stuff.

What does "Serve up a facial" mean?

I was just watching Tosh.O and he referenced Marv Albert trying to eat a woman. I have no idea who that is (I am a woman and I'm only 25) so I went to wiki. It says, "She also claimed that he would force her to "serve up a facial" for periods of up to 45 minutes." Now, I do understand what it means for a guy to give a girl a facial... but for 45 minutes? I feel like there is something I am missing. How can a guy for 45 minutes?

Which live kids show do you miss the most?

All That before Jamie Spears was on it. I miss all the old shows from Nick, Disney and Cartoon Network.

Can I take my cast off?

I've had it for a week aand its been really annoying 2 of 3 docters said its not broken but a sighn of growth in your foot when grow 1 the docter said 4 3 weeks you think I could take it of in 1 week 3 days? Becuase I don't wna were it to school

Sorbet Brands?

Edy's and Haagen-dazs both make really good sorbet. And yeah, Sharon's is awesome but can be harder to find.

How can i get my cavy's used to me (guinea pig)?

well i got these 2 cavy's a week ago ers and gizmo :) ive never had guinea pigs before im more of a mouse person.. lots more experience.. ive done my research but my guinea pigs don't seem to like me very much. when i go near the cage they usually run into their hut and squeel a little bit. usually when one is already in there and the other one ters in. ers is more calm but gizo is terrified of me. when i put him in my lap and pet him all he does is shake. what could i do to make him more calm. ive tried feeding him veggies from my hand while petting him on my lap he eats them but still. :\

What is a good activity for the elderly at a nursing home?

It must be available for all residents including the bed ridden and immobile. something that makes them use their muscles as well as the minds but also can be fun and enjoyable for them as well...any ideas??? I really want to help "pep" up the residents. this is also as project for my nursing cl any ideas are greatly appreciated...only serious answers please. thanks

What do atheists think of the deadly shooting in Rio perpetrated by a fundamentalist atheist?

And now, because of what one sick person has done, people will label in their hypocrisy, all Christians as bad, go figure.

What are my chances for getting into any Ontario medical schools?

My stats: In 4th year (graduating this year), GPA- 3.88, MCAT - 11/12/11Q, 2 summers of research, 1 international conference abstract, junior national marathon champion, president of large campus group, peer-mentoring, tutoring, random scholarships... Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Why is a filibuster an effective way to kill legislation?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How many married couples out there are married to big time homebodies and how do you cope with this?

My wife is a big time home sweet home body and does not like going out on dates or what have you. Just curious how other married couples cope with such a little tiny annoying problem. Thanks everyone!

What effect do you think the Arab Spring will have on Israel?

Do you think it will impede or hasten the Arab-Israeli peace process? Will the new regimes in the Arab world recognize Israel?

Does anyone have any indie music on their playlist or cd?

Fleet Foxes, The Daredevil Christopher Wright (they opened for Bon Iver when I saw them live, also from WI and also fantastic!),Alexi Murdoch, The National, Noah and the Whale, The Dirty Projectors

What is a favorite Scripture verse for uplift when ...?

"And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Are non-alcoholics supposed to go to AA?

Check out, instead, Al-Anon (and for youth, Alateen). Yes, they are extremely useful for spouses/children/girlfriends, etc., of alcohol abusers, at least if you go in with the attitude that some help can be had from them. Good luck!

Can you please update me today about Indenting Business?

One of my colleagues resigned his job two years back. He was working in our company as Business Correspondent Officer. His main duties were to contact the suppliers by phone, fax, e-mail & import different items like stationery, machine, bicycle parts vehicles etc in favour of our company. He was very needy and draw salary same as me US$1500 per month.Some days ago we saw him in an International fair & he informed me that he has been doing business that is he has his own INDENTING FIRM & earning a lot of money. Actually I want to know the type of this Indenting business. Can you please update?

Whats a new Christian song I can listen to?

Check out Lincoln Brewster. He's the music guy at my friend's church. He toured with Journey playing guitar.

Any Renaissance Festival goers! Where can I purchase cheap garb? has a huge range of designs and prices - and everything is custom made to your choice of fabrics/colors and your exact measurements (as opposed to buying a generically-sized, ill-fitting off-the-rack garment)

Help with math problem!!!!!?

None of the above, the real answer should be $6540 which is 6% of 109000. To check just multiply 109000 by .06 to get the answer.

Reef tank help part 2?

ok everyone said don't get an anemone. i have a 20 gallon tank. i have a reef sun 50/50 lightbulb. it is high output and great for corals. i also have a heater, a power filter, and a powerhead. i would like some suggestions as to what corals and what fish i should put in my tank. i want polyps, clownfish, firefish, and whatever else you all think i should get. thanks for the help in advance!

Are you saved? Have you been touch by His Noodly Appendage?

I love your question and your avatar :) See, I'm a Christian with a sense of humor can coexist!!!

I have got 80% in my 12th board exams this year...and 83% in PCB. kindy help me for my further studies !!?

i have given a couple of entrance exams and their results are yet to be declared....but i am really tensed that if i do not clear those exams then what to do.....i do not want to do tell me what are the other career options that i have.....and get me out of this whole situation...!!

Those women at the TEXAS POLYGAMIST Compound...are they ALIENS?

Most of those Women lived VERY Isolated, Media Free, Lives- every aspect of which was run & CONTROLLED by the Elders of their Church. All decisions were made FOR THEM by the Men in their Lives... and they became VERY Dependent upon them for all things... They "exist" because no one ever gave them the Opportunity to develop & express individual Identities... And since MEN took "care of" everything about them, all THEY learned how "to do" -was be subservient to them & bear their Children... ... Personally, I believe that the Men in those Women's lives were guilty of aLOT more than Polygamy... -they were Slave Owners. :(

Which dress should I get for my Best friends party. (pics)?

They are both adorable, and I think you would look great in both of them! Since you're celebrating his 18th I think you should go with the blue one though, it's a very "out on the town" look without being too formal! I hope you have fun : )

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Marriage in peril?

You're not happy because he's mourning the loss of his mother and doesn't have many friends? What will be your grounds for divorce? You vowed to be by this man for better or worse.

Anybody know what this hand sign means? Why do so many people do it?

the T shape means "thizz" which is a drug that consists of ecstasy (MDMA), speed, cocaine, meth, LSD, heroin, and other drugs. its a party drug that is usually taken at a rave (dance club) mac dre came up with the "T" and all it is for is to look cool. the "C" could be a gang thing or it could be refering to a type of thizz. if you have ever heard the song thizzle dance, this is what its talking about. you may have also heard terms like "thizz face", or "smackin"

Do you belong to a religion that goes to war and kills others belonging to your same religion?

What I'm asking is are you a Catholic, baptist, presbyterian...etc, that will go into the military and kill others in other countries that are also of your faith?

This is the question, since you pro choice folks are all worred about format. the questions is this: since

Excuse me. Planned parent hood is to help any one needing istance having a baby or not to have a baby. Do you truly believe that charities will do a better job: if I were you I would not be so sure of that. And if you think God cares, is he not the one that gave us good and evil to start with, and for gave us in advance. If you believe that BS! What kind of parent would these people make if forced to have unwanted kids? Does GOD want that choice?

Where to buy a new CD?

I want to buy Barlow Girls new CD how can we be silent, and their old CD Barlow Girl. Should I get them at walmart or a book store like barnes and nobel or borders? Which one is cheapest?

Homeopathic remedies for milk supple (i.e. beer, oatmeal)?

I say go for if its helping such low levels of alcohol wont hurt,, you can even by non alcoholic beer,,

Which law?

This religion thing is slapping human being around the globe for centuries. There is no set rule just the rule of fittest or unfit-test. Who knows that when this all will be over here on this earth?

Fill in the blanks in this paragraph proof:?

Because x has coordinate (1,1) and Y has coordinates (1,7) XY lies on the vertical line x=1. The perpendicular bisector of XY is the horizontal line that pes through (1, (1+7)/2) or (1,4), so the equation of the perpendicular bisector of XY is y=4. Because x has coordinates (1,1) and Z has coordinates (5,1), XZ lies on the horizontal line y=1. The perpendicular bisector of XZ is the vertical line that pes through (1, (1+5)/2) or (1,3), so the equation of the perpendicular bisector of XZ is x=3. Draw the lines y=4 and x=3. They intersect at the point (3,4). This point is the center of the circle that cirscribes triangle XYZ

I need help in Oblivion?

I am a very bad person and will often break the law and go on mive killing sprees. These are often in the Imperial City Marketplace. You obviosly know that citizens andshopkeepers will run out to join the fight. I can't tell who I'm killing, I just keep shooting. I guess in the frenzy I killed a couple shopkeepers. Now when ever I go into a few shops, no none's there. My guess is that I killed them Will they ever respawn/get replaced and if so, how?

Is Governor Charlie Crist the epitome of GOP masculinity?

Charlie Crist has always come across as the ultimate man's man. Is he the current role model for true Republican masculinity?

Good idea or bad idea? My EX girlfriend?

I hurt her really bad by seeming like I don't care about her and messed up really bad. (see other question for details) Im pretty sure I have no chance with her but I hope I do. So would it be a good idea to text her I would appreciate it if you didn't text me for a while because it just hurts and I need some alone time. Or what would be a better thing to say? I love her with all my heart and I want her back so bad. Or what would be a better thing to say? Its okay to txt at night cuz it never wakes her. Were in the enormously pissed off phase btw

Which case do you liek better?

i like the first one in green or pink and the second is kewl in purple :) i dont really care for the last one

How to i take care of my skin?

all of my frendz have clear beautiful faces eXpect for me i have pimpless and zits and one time there waz this HUGE zit on my nose and my crush waz like to my frend tell samantha she haz a huge nasty *** zit on her nose and then my frend txted me that and i txted my crush u ***** then he tXted bck shut up and i starting hating him i really want to make my skin more clear cuz i went to look flawless like everyone else besides no one wants their crush to tell them u have a nasty *** PIMPLE on their face right PLZ HELP ME PLZ PLZ PLZ

I have a 1000 VA Max transformer that converts 120 volts to 240 volts. why did it stop working?

It worked fine until june. Then i put it into storage for 2 months. now that it is out of storage, it has stopped working. the storage conditions were a little dank. could that have destroyed it? is there any chance it will start working again, or do i need to buy another one?

Kenan and kel?

where can i watch episodes of kenan and kel on the computer i have tried youtube but don't have any so if you do plz give me websites

Suddenly we find ourselves just 4 points behind Chelsea ?

If United don't win it then i hope Spurs do, they play attacking football & It would make a pleasant change for someone else to win it

How do you deal with mean customers?

LOL I have seen people like that reduced to a mess by the person they are insulting and screaming at just being sooooo sweet!!! It seems the nicer you are to someone like that, the less they can scream at you! Become incredibly polite!

Which of these two names do you prefer?

Sorry but when i was at school we used to call the nit nurse Nitty Nora and that has always stuck with the name .So if you are in the UK it may not be such a good choice

Question about Gymnastics?

well i think that you can do allot im a level 7 but iv been in gymnastics for a wile now what level are you.

Can you please help me?

Jen.....Jen.....look, it is cirstantial. This is a curse because you made it one. It is not real. In your state of mind I am sure you are saying yes it is. It is not. Pray, serve others. Snap out of it.

Help on word problem? A plane is sitting on a runway?

A plane is sitting on a runway, awaiting takeoff. On an adjacent parallel runway, another plane lands and pes the stationary plane at a speed of 59 m/s. The arriving plane has a length of 40 m. By looking out the window (very narrow), a penger on the stationary plane can see the moving plane. For how long a time is the moving plane visible? _____s

What do you think of my mare?

She is beautiful. She has that clic QH look and I love her coloring. She should be a head-turner in the ring.

Why does a woman need to be married to be happy in a relationship?

Marriage is just a piece of paper that you both sign If your relationship is working the way it is then "if it ain't broke don't fix it" I personally will not get married again It just gives lawyers a bigger income

Verizon Cel Phone Help....Pleee?

You can get a replacement for $50. However, that program is going away, and right now there is an open enrollment period for insurance, so I would recommend getting insurance on the phone. Either that or get a really good case and screen protectors for it

Anybody wanna read my column? constuctive criticism advice please!?

Yeah, you think about the way people are treated over there, then think about have friends of the opposite , Mcdonalds, dances, and moms apple pie. You are to young to even grasp what is going on and allowing some teacher who most likely hid from the draft to not fight in a war, but takes advanatage of the perks.

Come on! One sheet of toilet paper? Is Sheryl Crow one of the most ignorant people imaginable?

Well, if that's what she does to be green, that's way over the top. Toilet paper wasn't designed as one-sheet use, anyway. It's just like that so it perforates easily.

Books + internet + credit card?

I just barely got my first credit card, and before that I was able to buy anything I wanted with a debit card. They work just the same...even if it were to be ran as credit it would be coming out of the same place anyway, it's only a debit card

Is being unconscious and being in a coma?

the same thing? Hospice just called to tell me my mom was unconscious. They said she may or may not wake up. She is in the final stages pf pancreatic cancer.

Lại không vào được facebook?

Mình dùng mạng viettel,hôm nay mình không vào được facebook,trước đó đã đổi DNS rồi,hôm nay truy cập nó báo lỗi,mình muốn hỏi xem có ai cũng bị như vậy không,liệu có phải từ hôm nay viettel chặn facebook không,các cách dạy trên mạng mình đã thử rồi.

Is my Boyfriend Controlling and Demanding?? Help! Getting scared and confused :(?

Yes, he seems controlling and doesn't seem like he respects you much. I would suggest trying to talk to him about how you feel, that he doesn't listen to you or respect you, and if he doesn't listen, tell him if he doesn't change then you'll break up with him. Sorry you're having to go through this. :/

Friday, August 12, 2011

If i asked you to crankcall my husband's ex-boss for me,would you do it?

Everything you just said sounds completely shady... but where did the letter come from asking them to vacate? The ex-boss?

Are the rod's they use now for scoliosis surgery more flexible then the harrington rod?

Modern hardware is as inflexible as Harrington rods were. The big difference is how they connect to the vertebrae. Harrington rods had hooks which looped over or under the last vertebrae to be fused, both bottom and top. It was possible for the hooks to dislodge from the vertebrae which could cause pain and perhaps another surgery. Harrington rod patients also tend to develop "flatback syndrome." Neither of these happen with modern hardware.

Why is my washer making a burning smell?

I live in a summer home for half of the year and for fall and winter i live in my usual home. A couple of years ago I decided I didn't want to have to drive up to the house every day to do laundry so in 1998 I built a barn out back of our summer home and put a washer in it and hooked up cold water to it and all that, anyway when I leave the camp for the winter I usually remember to put anti-freeze in the washer and run it on spin so the anti freeze could go through the pump so it wouldn't freeze in the dead of winter, but for some reason I forgot to put anti-freeze in it this year and when I came back to test the washer in spring 2011 I turned the timer to 10 as usual and filled it to small size load anyway when it started to wash it washed like it usually would, i watched it wash then I waited until it started spinning and when the timer clicked to spin it made a loud buzzing and didn't move for a couple of seconds then it started to slowly spin and made a high pitch whining sound and then the power went out, so I reset the circuit braker and put the washer on spin and it did the same things except it started to squeel loudly then it made a strong fowl burning smell and it blew the circuit braker again is a Crosley/maytag heavy duty 20 pound capacity washer, what is the problem and is it worth fixing???

Tweetsie Railroad?

Because they are taking the cowboys by surprise? I couldn't honestly tell you, but my parents took me there when i was a kid. its a really cool place. thanks for the link to the picture. That was a cool ride riding up the mtn. on the ski lift! and 30 yrs. ago.

Why does this girl do this?

I sit beside a girl in cl and i dont kno why she acts like this. She talks to her friends infront of me on another side of the cl. She used me as an example once and was like imagine him driving while talking to her friend. I was in her way while she was talking to her friend and she was like move cant u see where talking. She sometimes talks to me. Also she helps me alot like does me favours and is nice to me and she smiles while talking to me. �Ill catch her looking in my direction and she quickly glanced away. When we left cl i caught her looking back at mre. However one day she was mad cus i was gona copy her work and she moved away and said now you have to do it yourself but the next day she was talking to me.

Does this make me a racist? (Please read below)?

So I have been going to the beach and enjoying baskin in the sun lately, so I got darker. I am asian, so I am tan, but now I am really darker. When I came back, a lot of people gave a lot of, let's say, not a positive feedback about my color, and I was really okay with it before. But now, I am starting to get really uncomfortable and been thinking that my dark skin is ugly. Does it mean I'm really prejudice about dark skin but I wasn't really admitting it before?

Neutrals please answer: What do you think of the injury to Eduardo?

Was it or was it not an accident? Wenger's calls for a life ban are dissappointing and uncalled for!

Did walcott leave Southampton to early?

I think Theo did leave to early i knew he wouldn't stay forever but i hope that oxlade-chamberlain really thinks about it before just leaving because as you said maturing as a footballer is very important and I think Oxlade-Chamberlain is too early into his career to make it too bigger leagues but to be honest Jack Wilshere and Ramsey and Kakuta and a lot of others have done well but i still think Oxlade-Chamberlin should stay at Southampton or atleast another year

8 month old shepherd/lab mix trouble walking?

e live in the middle of a state forest. Last week, dog got face full on porcupine needles, this week ate deer guts a hunter left behind (promptly ralphed on my carpet). Today he is having trouble walking. No whining, no bloated belly. I can touch everything, he's still trying to eat everything that looks like it's edible. Other than appearing drunk there is nothing wrong with him, well a little more gas than usual. I'm going to call the vet first thing in the morning but wondered if anyone had any ideas?

Im writing a book, can anyone help me?

She reminds me of a Leah or of a Sam. I like her should make her really good at comebacks, smart, I like her description, but I wouldn't make her so emo should make her listen to rock, but not metal. I like your character, but you should spend more time in coming up with an idea. Wait till a great idea hits you.

Is it weird that the cast of the Gossip Girl series have both their sun and moon in one sign?

So I was researching randomly... cos I used to be addicted to Gossip Girl. then i found out that Leighton Meester (Blair Waldorf) has sun and moon both in Aries. Blake Lively (Serena van der Woodsen) has sun and moon in virgo. and Chuck (my favourite character) has sun and moon in cancer. yeah... im really bored so don't judge me... i look at celeb's natal charts to satisfy my curiosity.

Are the 2 colors in trix yogurt different flavors?

okay 1st of all that is disgusting mayo really , nobody puts mayo in yogurt unless it's someone like you. OKay so the two colors in trix yogurt are different flavors. I prefer pink vs purple but that's just me haha

Why do Irishmen say that underwear and socks are not good presents?

What is wrong with buying underwear and socks for men? They are practical, and you always need new clean ones. What would be a more personal and special gift?

Name Change? - What Change Name Too [[Pic Included]]?

Alexandra Victoria is such a strong name, in fact the name suits you perfectly! Thalia? uh no. Rohannie? bubble gum name.... You don't say how old you are but I'm thinking you're a bit young and do not understand the significance of your name, I told disliked my full name when I was young and frequently said to my mother "how could you have picked such an awful name!?!" Now I'm so glad that she did. sorry I couldn't help but your name says "I am me. In all the world there is no one else like me." good luck on finding a new name dear. :))

How to clean a jacuzzi bath tub?

Ive heard using a small amount of powder dishwashing soap while having the jets run gives the tub a good cleaning, Ive tried it and it works well but I was looking for a litlle heavier duty mix thats not to abrasive to take care of soap s any ideas

Hair loss with accutane is it normal?

Some patients have started taking Propecia or Rogaine, following the termination of Accutane, to try to repair hair loss, but there are side effects to those drugs also. Without medication, hair production will still return to normal within a year or sooner, on it's own.

What was the cham... macre in india during Ghandi times?

which macre are you talking aboutm and for thatmatter Which Ghandi, there was a macre at the Seik Golden Temple during Mrs Indera Ghandi's time as prime minister

Why are they like that?

WHy is it that most Ilocano people in the Philippines like to destroy someone else live by using sorcery and hypnotism ?Seriously..

Complicated Relationship Advice Please!?

I have this girlfriend. Amazing. We never fight, we always compromise, she gives me everything, and we have everything in common. Almost like a female version of me. But right now I'm losing weight. I've went from 312lbs. to 293lbs. in a month. It's not stopping either. I'm eating right, working out at the gym 6 days a week, and plan on doing this for a year. I'll be skinny, muscular, and everything I ever wanted to be. But not everything... Why? Because back in college, I could never get a single girl to like me. I went to clubs, parties, and envied the skinny single life that the men I watched from the corner of those parties and clubs had. I wanted it bad. My confidence and insecurities were severely lowered. Now my girlfriend is fat. She's like 215lbs. I don't want to continue being with her when I become skinny because I'll be skinny, have fresh tight fit clothes, maybe a tribal tattoo on my shoulder, and be those same guys I've envied for so long. I don't want to be tied down at that point. I was never skinny and I'm not about to let being single, which is fun for outdoorsy clubby people, be robbed by perfect relationship. Bottom line is I wouldn't want a relationship at that point. I would like to be alone and do my own thing. Is that so wrong?

Why doesn't Russia blow NATO warships out of the water that are "giving aid" ( i.e., weapons) to Georgia?

a href=""…/a

Black Ops: Kino Der Toten wall glitch?

Yeahhhh I know what your talking about. Me and my friends did this when we played. The purpose of this is to get extra power ups and bonuses, or get them more often. you have to make sure you do this as soon as the game starts because if you do it after you kill a zombie, it wont work. So essentially this is kind of an easter egg. Hope this helped.

What do i do help now?

my hamster HATES me and i love her she is my first hamster and i have tryed everything to get her to like me i have had her for 40 days and i do not want to give her up it makes me feel like the worst oner in the world and well now i wish i have never got her she bights me when i put my hand in her reach and will not take her favoret food when it is close to or on my hand but when it is fown she eats it well she hates me and i have tryed everything on the web and well nothing eles to do it worked with my sister hamster but mine well i am so mad i though hamsters where loveing and kind clever and will be by your side the only reason i got her was because my sister had to get a hamster for a school progect (she must teach her to go throug a maze) and well now i want a ret but my familey hates rodents exept i am an animal freak and well how do i get her to love me and will look forward to always seeing me and everything like a tiny fuzzy dog :(

Undiagnosed Knee Pain. What is it?

it is a sign of synovial fluids getting exhausted and there is a large scale of knee rubbing against each other. it is recommended that you should take a complete rest from any activity for about a week and no weight at any cost. you will find the condition improves.

Where do they store the Wildwood Tramcars when they're not in service?

Where do they store the Wildwood Sightseer Tramcars when they're not in service (At night or during the winter)?

Bottle water pricing and MRP?

In India hotels charge double the MRP for bottled waters. Is that right. If not who do we approach to set it right

Is this a good start to my book? -edited-?

This is excellent. I normally despise first-person novels, but this is very compelling! Are you posting this anywhere online? I'd love to read more.

Opinions on Zombie MTG Deck?

i don't know how much exactly, but the deck's not even up to the 60 card minimum, so it would affect the price.

Boys Help please?

MMk guys....If you were talking to your girlfriend on yahoo messanger would you just like leave in a middle of a converstation and x out with out saying bye? Couse it happend to me so what sould i do?

What wisdom would you impart to the world and what legacy would you leave behind?

Wisdom, listen to your parents because they mean good. And do good things for your self without hurting people. Believe in God because He loves you and many times he will help you if you have bad days. Your legacy will be doing good things not bad.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can Allegra Slow A Person's Growth Rate?

I just recently recieved an allergy prescribed medication. It was Allegra. I was just wondering if it "could" temporarily slow a person's growth rate. By the way, I am 14 years old.

Does any on know what Rah Nation is?

I was listening to a song, and the song said something about Ran Nation. So I was kind of wondering what it was. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Dual Boot how to set up?

You should just be able to create a partition. Just make sure when you partition the drive to make enough room for both OS.

What would be a good hair color for me? {with pictures please} ive got pale/rosy skin and hazel eyes?

The 'Bella Swan' hair color is pretty, but would wash out your face too much. The first picture, with the pretty brown hair, is your best bet. It would highlight your facial features without washing you out =]

Where do I get a custom gun part fabricated?

Any machine shop or competent Gunsmith can do it.* The old ammo you are using is A-OK, and it isn't what broke the spring.* Age and wear and tear on the spring finally gave out, or a weakness or flaw in it is what caused it to break.* Don't blame the old ammo.* No the older ammo doesn't become more potent or powerful.*

Im an Australian who will be travelling to India?

Im an Australian who will be travelling to various different countries towards the end of the year and one of those countries im going to visit is India and i would just like to know whether i will need a tourist visa to get in, if so how much will it cost to get at the Indian consulate in Canberra.

Would you enjoy living on an island?

Would you enjoy being stranded on an undiscovered island with a couple harmless animals and good edible plant life or would you want to come home?

A link to the bit in family guy about Abraham almost killing issac?

its like, them walking back down the hill, and isaac is like, "uh, hey, what the hell was that?"

Where can I download Music Videos?

Download Free Studio Manager and it can be used to download any Youtube video. It can convert formats and everything to it's very useful.

Have you ever gone to someone's house and broke something and never said anything?

when i was younger i did things l ike that allll the time.. it was only little toys and things i broke. i would just leave it and act shocked when my friend found out. i would still do it today if i can get away with it. hahah

Stopping birth control, then starting again?

I have been on yaz for 4 months and stopped taking it 6 days ago because I lost the pack and couldn't get another pack until today. I started bleeding yesterday, but it is very light and seems like it might stop soon. My question is, do I start my pills again Sunday? Or wait until a real period starts? I'm thinking this is just with drawl bleeding.. or does it matter? I know you're suppose to take it the sunday after your periods starts but i'm not sure if i should consider this a period? HELP?

What are some lovely sounding GAELIC choral pieces for a SATB chorale?

we have a nice sized chorale of about 42, and we'd like to perform a GAELIC piece. something beautiful for SATB.

Which amphibian doesnt undergo metamorphosis-four-toed salemander,poison dart-frog, tree toad, or and axolotl?

it's the axolotl........the young forms resemble the adults and reproduce .....the phenomenon is called as neoteny!! metamorphosis takes place....

What's your PERSONAL opinion about Arabs/Muslims?

Personally I do not trust any of them. I do think that a large majority follow the Koran way too seriously and they have been a source of war and destruction for over 40 years now. I would not shed a tear if they were all wiped off the face of the planet.

Skate boarding again after 9 years.. need help on basic tricks?

i use to skateboard when i was like 14, i found my old skateboard which is battered to hell to say the least, anyways im 22 and im starting to skate again, the only thing i could do was a really high oli, spin kick (i think is what it is called) where you just spin the board, and that was about it. sadly i could never do a kickflip, can someone guide me as to foot placement etc.. that i need to land a kick flip?

529 Fund, Possible to get Computer?

You should talk to a financial aid officer at your school. Some schools require students to have a computer, so they may be of istance in helping you with the 529. Good luck!

Need help with a yankee swap gift?

Every year our family does a yankee swap. This year, we have all been given a word and we have to get an appropriate gift that pertains to that word. My word is RISKY. I have been wracking my brain for ideas, but am coming up with nothing. Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

In the book TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD: Battle of Hastings???

I think that it was shameful because if none of their ancestors fought on either side they might be considered cowards for not fighting. Who wants to be descended from cowards. That was very important to folks back then.

Is it illegal for a customer to test drive a dealer vehicle without the salesperson in the car with you?

I've been told this by a few dealers. I've heard mixed stories. Looking back, I find that the salesmen who rode in the car with me were also dealers who gave me that overall bad feeling. There's more pressure when the dealer rides for the test drive and I find it nerve-wracking test driving a car and trying to evaluate it with the salesman right in the car with me. I've been car shopping at 3 dealerships. The one that let me drive alone was a very reputable, well-known and respected dealership in the area and they let me drive whatever car I wanted with no pressure and allowed me the privacy to take the car out without them and evaluate it without their sales pitches coming from the back seat. I ended up buying from this dealer and I am happy with my purchase. I feel if it were really illegal, they wouldn't have let me drive alone. Is the illegal thing just something they throw out so they can ride anyway and push the sale further?

POLL What do think of this name?

When you hear the name "Sara Mohammad" what comes to your mind? What does the name say about the person? How would you describe the person from just the name? NO THAT IS NOT MY NAME! My name is Stephanie just wondering. I'll reveal everything bout that person when i choose the person who is closest to the actual description..thnx :)

How do i get my hair to look like the ones in shampoo ads on TV?

I was watching this TV ad for Gillette shampoo for men. and I want my hair to look like that. I you know, i want it shiny smooth,soft. i have thick straight hair.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Would this be considered distruction of property? Heart-wrenching story. :\?

My boyfriends mom was living with her boyfriend, and he's very controling and abusive. Well my boyfriends dad had a brain anurism (spelling) and now he's in a nursing home. my boyfriends mom got a call from the nursing home saying that he wasn't doing well, so she went up there. his moms boyfriend cut's hair and he had a schedule for her, she didn't show up but she texted him saying she was going to be late, he got mad so she called his mom to tell her she was on her way home. My boyfriends mom was suppose to come over for wedding planning stuff but she never showed up and when we called her, her phone was off. So we called her boyfriend, and he texted us and said "i can't make it" acting like he was her. Two days later we get a call from the hospital saying she was there. We drove up there and she was all bruised up, the doctor diagnosed her with Lacerations, and concussion, and contusions. Later she told us he wouldn't let her leave, he took her phone, and her car keys and kept her in the house for two days. That night the cops escorted us to the house so we could get all his stuff and get him arrested. But he wasn't there. We got all her stuff and realized he had broken all her deceased mother's china from all over the world, tore her clothes to shreads, cut the cords off of everything, and broke what was left. So she in return did the same thing to him, now he's sueing her for distruction of property even though she lived there?

Trade deadline true or false.?

Other than Carlos Beltran, I don't see any of these players getting traded. Ubaldo Jimenez is both young and cheap, playing for only 500k this year. Matt Cain, much like Ubaldo, was put out just for a basic idea as to how valuable he may be come his contract year. As for Colby Rasmus, he is simply too young for the Cardinals to trade. Anyone they get in return will be a similar age, and will be just as good of a prospect. Jose Reyes won't get traded unless a blowout deal is proposed, but I would be shocked if Carlos Beltran isn't traded. He is making a lot of money, and the Mets can sell him for a high price to someone like the Braves.

How do you know when to refuel a cruiser bike?

hey guys, i am a little new to bikes and i am gonna be taking the msf course this month, i am also thinking of buying a kawasaki vulcan 500 as a starter bike. My question is , the bike doesn't have a fuel gauge so how do you know when to refuel it ?

Why in Genesis in the Bible it says, Their Lord could not find what he created after they sinned?

Someone can easily ask a question to which they know the answer. Usually, the reason to do that is to point something out or teach something. Obviously, Adam and Eve had sinned. God asked, "Adam, where are you?" Where was Adam? He was hiding from God. Adam's sin had destroyed his fellowship with the Lord. God knew this and He was pointing it out to Adam.

I'm looking for a doll family for a dollhouse scale 1:24.?

Just got a dollhouse for my granddaughter (Melissa and Doug Multi-Level Wooden Dollhouse) and am having trouble finding a doll family that will fit. Can you suggest one?

How much undead bait needed for RDR Undead Nightmare mission?

I managed with 3 but I, personally would go with 5 just to be safe. It will also make the mission a lot easier.

What's the name of Shrek and Fiona's baby ogre?

I haven't seen the 3rd movie, but I know they had a baby in it. Just out of curiosity, what's the baby's name?

How do you stop atiels from fighting?

omg, im surprised you didnt figure this one out on your own. when bird wont shut up, i take her out and plop her down on my bed with me. she just shuts up and goes to sleep. if you have a perch you could put one of them on their too. and turn the lights off. the birds wont fly if they cant see. or, you can get all the electric wires off your floor, and make sure theres nothing your bird could climb onto and just let them stay on your floor the whole night. there will be some poo but i meen come on. just a little cleaner stuff, water and a rag does the trick. my bird is out side of her cage all most all day when im at school and is out until i go to bed. but sometimes i forget and just let her sleep outside of her cage. just make sure theres nothing on the floor or anything it can reach that it can kill itself with: wires, other animals, people. oh, btw, keep the door closed so she wont wander into a hallway or another room.

The best safety feature for preventing whiplash is theA. Seatbelt B. Headrest C. Airbag?

The obvious answer is the head rest. Whiplash is the snapping movement of the head and the head rest is there to lessen the chances of it taking place. Air bag is for frontal collision and seat belt is to keep you in the vehicle where it is safer.

What type of cancer?

What is the cancer called where you loose your hair? and if you do have it, is it one of the more deadly forms of cancer there are? Could you die from it or is it treatable?

How do you reduce a AGW #1 wire to fit in a circuit breaker that will only go up to #4 AGW?

Using a sharp pointed pair of wire snips/cutters, cut two or three stands out of the wire and re-arrange the remaining wires with a pair of pliers in order to make it fit into the lug. Careful to ONLY remove as many strands as necessary to fit snug into the lug. ...(OH! you'll have a "snug lug"!) :-)

Recommendations on ancient Greek and Roman literature?

I would like to start reading some Greek and Roman literature. I read the Iliad and Odyssey and some of the Greek plays way back in high school and college but not much beyond that. I'm not sure where to start or which are the most readable/least over my head. Any suggestions or links for a good reading list and order to read in?

Living Environment June 2009 regents! Questions about the exam...?

the answer to ecological succession question was the mature ecosystem will remain stable for a long period of time i forgot what number it was i think it was 1

HELP! my dog is scaring me! ?

I'm thinking he has some soap left in this area. It does get itchy. Petsmart does a good job of bathing pets. He maybe sensitive to the soap too. He could also have soap in his ear. Have the vet check him out, before he has another bath..K?

If you had to buy your way out, Would you haggle?

Perhaps. I got solicited for a bribe for overweight luggage in the St. Petersburg (Russia) Airport once. $20 was a lot cheaper than paying $100. I tend to collect books and heavy stuff when I am traveling (UGH!)

How good is the JG T3K3 G3 ras airsoft gun?

I need a review of this gun. It is my first gun so please respond and tell me if it is overall good?

Wedding March with a twist?

Hmmm . . . if you want to have it played on organ . . . I would probably try to use the Reed division and play it a bit staccato. Not sure if that would work, though.

How do I prove that I own stocks in a company?

Call investor relations or their transfer agent. It should be on the investor relations link on MCDs web page.

I'm looking to find a local good but fair-priced dentist for dentures in clay cty fl?

I currently have compbenefits, a Humana HMO through my retiree health program, but am unable to find a dentist I trust to pull out all my teeth! I am thinking of changing to a PPO program for next year but the dentist I want to see is the most expensive I know of but he is the best.

I Need an Essay Title!?

I am writing a comparative essay between contemporary society and the community in The Giver (Lois Lowry, 1993) and want to find a good title.

Can you name this logical fallacy?

Based mostly on your example in parentheses, (I found that all X type of people are stupid, therefore all of them must be stupid), I'd go with a hasty generalization. Another example would be "I once met an angry short person. Short people must be angry."

Where can i find annual stats or reports of road closures for the cajon p?

I am trying to locate an annual report or statistics for how often the Canjon P in San Bernardino has been closed for a period of time, for any reason, weather conditions, traffic accidents, fire, etc. Preferably for the last 5 years. Thank you.

What should I do with this situation?

Simple, if you call the police they can investigate it. Just tell them the situation and let them know that your worried.

What do you think of the excerpt of my story?

The concept of Applegate, a city with beatiful, perfect people, is pretty cliche, as well as the girl who doesn't fit in. I have to say I don't like the character Victoria Vanderblit much-she seems too whiny. And if a reader doesn't like your protagonist when the book is in first person, it's over. But this is only the beginning, most beginnings are cliche, and I would keep reading. You really express the characters feelings well, along with the settings and problems, but if you use that great expression too much it does get to seem like the main character is complaining.

Did "Wezl" ruin Collins software outfit ? I know he took study leave. Normally a person on study leave is?

expected back at the organization during long study breaks. Wezl came back and was told he didn't work there any more. Might this have had something to do with the fact that he changed "Standing Orders". "Standing Orders" called for there to exist a "Clerk 2/3" position. An Antony Smith occupied this position. Wezl changed the position to "Computer Operator".

I have a cl 3 misdemeanor for MIP and fake id in AZ. Can I ever get this off my record? ?

It was 5 years ago when I was 20. I am applying for my mage therapy license and I don't want to always put that I was convicted of a misdemeanor on any applications.

Where can i get a firing pin for my muzzle loader?

I got a Connecticut valley arms (CVA) muzzle loader.Its a percussion muzzle loader.And it's missing the firing pin.Where can i get a new one?It's a sharpshooter 50. cal.

Seriously how many people picked the Predators to make the Playoffs?

I did not expect them to make the playoffs. I am very surprised because of their goaltending problems.

What is the stuff they burn for incense in the catholic church?

Usually frankincense and myrrh. However, cedar, spikenard, various flowers, benzoin gum and copal may be present in certain blends.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Which are your favorite Agatha Christie novels...?

I like so many and can't remember the titles! Evil under the sun (clever time detail) and the Mirror cracked from side to side (psychological detail) and Poirot's christmas (so imaginative) are my other favorites.

Question about Evolving Wilds MTG Card?

With lands the effects for it are just like playing an instant unless it states that you must do it on your turn, so the card is like terramorphic expanse, you can tap it and sac it for a land that comes into play tapped, if you do this on your opponents turn you have another land you can untap unlike if you saced it on your turn.

Are there any liberal counterparts to Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean?

Arianna Huffington? She's not in the same league of stupid or dangerous... but she does go in for all that alternative medicine / anti-vaccine bullsh�t.

Help! Math homework question?

If you have 12 tablespoons in all, you would have to multiply the given numbers of calories and fat by 6 because you have 6 servings (a serving is 2 tablespoons).

Dems want to hand $44 billion to illegals?

the mexican laws aren't harsh, they're simply not "politically correct" and therefore they protect the country itself instead of any extreme minority within. as for the 44mln handout to illegals, that is so twisted and wrong i can't even think of a comment bad enough to equal the stupidity and insanity of that proposal.

Please read I do not know hot to phrase this question, 10pts?

I think you are equating education and worship, and that is where your internal debate is coming from... Learning about different beliefs and the perspectives of religion throughout history is not the same thing as "worshiping" another god (or the devil, for that matter). In fact, you may find your current faith is strengthened when you learn more about others, and it could open your heart to acceptance of those different than you. What could be more Christian than that?

Would you pay 60 dollars a month to have a gym membership?

Think of it this way, if you go to the jym you will "lose" $240 but they have a lot of different machines and you can meet someone or maybe not `cause you said you live in a small town. On the other hand think of what you can buy with the $240, you can buy some basic equipments like dumbbells, jump rope, medicine ball, place mat, whatever for less than $50 dollars or so and you wouldn't have to drive to the jym.

Which name goes best with Kaylee as a sibling name? Open to any suggestions?

In my opinion I think Logan would go best with Kaylee defiantly, sounds completely adorable. As for girls names, I would say Hayden and Madison sound cute with Kaylee as well. Another girls name that I think would go cute with Kaylee is Keely and Sophie. Hope I helped some! :)

How do i stop letting small things affect me?

i feel like it's very of me to be affected by something as small as criticism, when somebody makes fun of me i always take it to heart and later on dwell on what was said. like if i had on some shoes or something and somebody told me they were ugly i would start to think they are ugly as well. how do i stop being so sensitive and just deal with it how it comes. i'm almost 20 and i still can't tell with this issue. and i have no confidence what so ever. why am i so feminine i hate this about me. i always worry about what people say and think, i don't know if it's because i'm a people pleaser or if i just don't have much knowledge of myself. i worry about my appearance and other stupid sh*t i' not supposed to worry about. why am i a girly-man, i'm not gay but i also feel like i'm not what a man should be. i'm not as ertive or as outspoken as i want to be, i can't talk to girls unless they talk to me first. how do i become more manly man and not a cause girls don't want a man like that

Does Medi-Cal work when going overseas?

I am applying for a visa in another country and they need proof of health insurance, I know that MediCal is run out of California, obviously, but I wasn't sure if it works overseas (such as in Germany) so that it would be a valid source of health insurance when applying for my visa.

Englishman Irishman and scotsman?

Still funny even thought I always felt the Irishman should have been the last fellow hahaha with all the beer they drink!:) lol:)

Which of the following submachine guns are legal in MI?

Every automatic weapon is illegal in every state unless you have a special federal permit for it. It's not a state issue.

Law Enforcement Career Plan?

This is my current plan and I want to know if it's good or not. I am currently transferring to USF in Florida after getting my AA degree at a state college. My major is Criminology. After I get my bachelor's degree, I plan to go into the Army to pay off my student loans. I plan to become a MP and serve four years. I may or may not try to join the CID. After that, if I don't join the CID, I'll probably go to the police academy and become a police officer. Every year (or so) I'll apply to federal law enforcement agencies (which is where I want to end up) such as the DEA, FBI, ATF, USMS, and USPIS. And hopefully I get into one of those after a while and can switch over to another if I want. Is this a good plan?

Good COUNTRY music, for a new country lover?

Well of course there is Johnny Cash...a legend. Alan Jackson has a couple good ones out now 'Country Boy' and 'Small Town Southern Man'. Brooks and Dunn latest 'Cowgirls Don't Cry' is great!

Can anyone recommend a bar with a dance floor?

I live in Dallas, Ga (about 15 minutes from marietta) and am looking for a bar close by that has a dance floor for young Midtown but the cab fare is too much. Anyone have a good suggestion?

I need a good quote!!!?

To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.~Clara Ortega

Is there any billiards tournaments in California for teens?

California's a big state. I'm sure there's something, although it might not be age restricted. It could just be a skill level tournament. There's lots of places with those, just call a few up, wherever you are.

I feel like I'm going deaf...?

For the past two or three days I've been hearing a tinny ringing in my left ear. I cleaned them out and everything but i still hear the ringing and every sound from the TV to tapping the keys on the computer sounds muffled in my left ear. Anyone hear of this?

What's wrong with me??! (detailed - help!)?

Im an 18 year old female and am in a monogamous relationship. We have frequent unprotected . Lately, I have been experiencing "munchies" - eating a lot. Normally I eat half of everything and not too often. I have also been tired all the time! Except at night when it's time to actually go to bed I just can't get comfortable and end up staying up all night! I've also been constipated but have had some help from a lax. I think it's been about a month since my last cycle. What could this all be? Depression, pregnancy, side effects from HSV-1/2, or something else??!! Help!!

If u like solving mysteries, or thinking logically...please help me with this one!?

somehow, i have a feeling that everyone leaves that night, but its just a gut feeling, Im having a hard time thinking why I think that.

Words with "twix" in them?

I'm making a fun present for my girl, with candy bars glued into the message I'm writing. But so far I can only think of "betwixt" as a word I can use the Twix bar for. Are there any others? Thanks.

How can animals be killed humanely?

Animals such as cows, pigs, chicken, and the others we usually eat.. What is a way to kill these animals without the "animal cruelty" and torture?

What do you think is the best shampoo?

Herbal Essences is awesome. There are many kinds to choose from it, such as for curly hair, frizzy hair, and MUCH MUCH more. Another, that keeps your hair smooth looking (may be a little pricey) is SleekLook by Matrix

Monday, August 8, 2011

How can I turn a small room into a hall?

Having sun-room installed. Using small bedroom in bungalow as entrance to sun-room. Should I take door off room to make it look like a hall.

What does this picture mean?

It's a Shoshinsha mark or wakaba mark that is a green and yellow V-shaped symbol that new Japanese drivers must display on their cars for one year. Conversely, the orange and yellow "fukushi mark" or "kareha mark" denotes elderly drivers. Both marks are designed to warn other drivers that the marked driver is not very skilled, either due to inexperience or old age. However, in the North American scene, these badges are placed on the back of vehicles for a JDM look as a form of fashion.

How can I make my traps the same elevation as my deltoids that grow faster?

My deltoids grow si fast and respond fast that my traps don't catch up even when I do them and I have two big deltoids sticking out with a small neck and traps what can I do differently?

Are these good baby names?

I like Jacob and Jenna the best. Both those names are really cute, and they would be really good sibling names. Some other boy's name suggestions are Liam, Cody, Luke, Matthew, Rylan, Jayce, Carson, and Peyton.

What level do you catch gible in wayward cave?

I just want to know what level so that if it is too low then I know not to try to level him up before the game ends?

Good tactic 4 nazi zombies der reise?

hi ppl thought id put this solo game tactic up 4 all u zombie hunters out there. 1st round-shoot zombies with pistol 4 times then knife. 2nd round-shoot zombies 6 times then knife. 3rd round- open the door on the right and head shot the zombies with the kar till u can open the next door then buy the thompson.4 round-open the stairs ASAP then hang around the box till u have 2500pts. run round and grab juggernog when u have them.stay around the box till after the doggies(u prob will have 2 buy ammo 4 thompson during the next 2 rounds. ok u shoud b on round 6 with around 6000pts buy speedy cola and have a few goes on the box.on round 7 leave a crawler at end of the round and go open and use all the teleporters 2 unlock pack a go camp up the stairs were the bowie knife is.on round 8 u should make enough 2 use pack a punch so remember leave a crawler(just throw grenades out the window 2 your left) upgrade your weapon of choice then go back 2 the stairs.round 9 do the same i.e make lots o points and leave a crawler. now upgrade your other weapon. now u have the 2 best perks and both guns upgraded all by level 10!!! i got 2 level 26 on solo using this tactic ppl (i ran out of effin ammo gggggrrrr)so try it out n let me know if u got any good tactics. good luck!!!

Help correcting sentences with compound adjectives.?

I'm not much help, but I think #4 should just be "Oklahoma University" without the dash and I think #10 should maybe be "air-conditioning".

My keyboard -Yesterday, it was all working fine, but today it doesn't as I can't make underscored HELP ME!!!!!

underscore? Perhaps your SHIFT key is messed up. Try using the other shift key. If it's the underscore key that's not registering, then you need to carefully open that specific key and clean the loose dust under it.

How to make my friend realize she's not AP material?

I applaud your desire to help your friend but it is not your job to get her into an Advanced Placement cl. Continue to be supportive of her but remember a true friend always tells the truth and if you really count yourself to be her friend you will be honest with her and tell her the truth. Therefore, let the teacher, the Advanced Placement Coordinator, Counselor, etc. tell her the news, not you ... if might cost you you a friend or at least an acquaintance.

16 and Pregnant Show?

i don't think people should marry for the sake of the kids it never works out. and being a single mom is hard. before she takes the hard work she has to prepare herself, budget cl, parenting cl ect. and no i dont think they should mae a second season.

Who do you think is less likely to be forgiven in his sport, Roger Clemens or Chris Webber?

Just to let everyone know who Chris Webber is, he is an NBA player who accepted money and gifts while playing basketball for the University of Michigan. He, Jalen Rose, Juwan Howard, Jimmy King, and Ray Jackson played for the Michigan Wolverines, known as the Fab Five. While his teammates admitted they accepted money and gifts, Webber would lie to a grand jury and was later charged with several counts of perjury. As a plead bargain to avoid any prison time, prosecutors agreed to drop the remaining charges given that he pleads guilty to one count of federal criminal contempt (a misdemeanor) for lying about his role in the scandal. Webber accepted the plead bargain. As a slap on the wrist, he was fined $100,000 and ordered to complete 330 hours of community service.

Does anyone know what famous painting this is?

I saw it in a psychology book once, many years ago. It shows a woman (i think) in a dark and dingy, subway station with freaky people all around. It's all about fear and suspicion. They're all looking scared and doubtful of the others around them and she's the central figure. Sorry it's quite vague, but this is the most I can remember. I've been looking for it for quite some time now, and would appreciate if someone can tell me more about who the artist is and what it's called. Thanks

When you do the scallop braid on a horses mane how do you tie them?

like when u take the first and run it under the second how do u tie it too the 3rd! please be very detailed!

I think my next door neighboor wants to touch me>?

I would stay away from him. And i would take to your parent/guardian as soon as you can. This is a very serious issue. And need to let an adult know fairly quickly.

Rawhide chew treats for dogs, danger? or no?

I have heard alot of conflicting stories on these and even my vet isnt 100% sure. Have any of you dog owners out there ever had any trouble with your dog swallowing and trying to p undigested pieces of rawhide chews or bones,or any other sort of trouble with them?

HeroQuest NIB - What Should I Do With It?

I have a perfectly shrink wrapped NIB copy of the original Milton Bradly/Games Workshop board game HeroQuest. How much would something like this sell for on eBay? Or is it rare enough that I should hang on to it for another decade?

I'm looking for a movie about killer Baboons?

i know, title probably sounds funny, but i remember a movie being on tv when i was younger.. we didnt have cable, jus basic tv.. it was somewhere in africa, or a jungle. The people in it were mauled and killed by ravenous baboons. I believe it ended with some people getting off the island in a blow up raft... any idea's??

Why does Altair from ins creed lost his ring finger?

It was a right of page as well as a way for his blade to remain hidden and to p without hurting him when it comes out.

Why does the media portray blacks as people that support obama solely because of his race?

It's highly ridiculous. Blacks have been major turnout voter and have been part of the democratic stronghold since the late sixties early seventies...for white candidates for various offices. How is it now that there is a black president his support among blacks in solely based on race according to conservatives and the media (during the election).

You have a job that you are totally unqualified for and not cut out for . The office hates you. You do...?

I thought it was at least partially a design job, but it is a detail oriented managerial position working with non-creative people in a catty and conservative office full of bitchy office ladies. I am totally miserable and this job makes me feel like an idiot every part of every day. I don't like moving around from job to job, but clearly I need to do something. What would a good exit strategy be? I don't want to screw over the company, but I am screwing over myself by leaving with no option and would never just immediately leave without tying things up.

Dulce et decorum est (poem) - help with the yse, please?

It's about dissillussionment. If you've read a Farewell to Arms, it's a similar theme. The author is erting that, should readers see what he has seen, they would no longer romanticize or glorify death, war, or violence. The last lines, which he explicitly states is a lie, translate as "How sweet and proper it is to die for your native land", which is a quote by the Roman poet Horace and was commonly used like propaganda to boost morale. : )

Should i abord it or keep it?

me and the guy who took my virginity hav been on and off for 2 yrs. he got me pregnant and then went to jail, soon to find out he had another grl pregnant to, da bad thing is i lost my baby. so now dat he's out the other grl had her baby. but we had messed around and ended up gettin prego again. wen i told him i was prego again he response was u better get an abortion and if u dont ill drag u up and down the street and kill it myself. this made me so mad so i told him next time he see me i wish he would put his damn hands on me and he said naw the next time i see u, u betta hav an abortion. now da 1st time this went dwn (the prego issue) he was koo with it, but i think now cuz he already got a baby he dont want another one and cuz he on 3rd party with the others grs moma so if they find out trhey might turn him bck in. but im nor sure wat his problem iz.

Teen Mom Reunion...thoughts?

yea i think the same. maci is a nice girl and has put up with alot i like the fact that she cares more for her baby then ryan he dosent deserve that.. farrah was not a goos mother but started changing and realising that her baby was her world. catelyn wat you did was hard but it was the best u did am happy for you amber your doing good i admire you

Chapter 50 of Nabari no Ou!?

I didn't cry during those chapters, but I did find them to be touching. Miharu and Yoite weren't my favorite characters, but I still felt bad for them. Yukimi is my favorite and I'm glad that he only lost an arm.

Since when did Italians become Anglo?

Italians are now considered part of the Anglo society because of the change in the influx of immigrants, for example in the US, the Asian immigrants and Mexican immigrants made Italians part of white society

Germany nazism to democracy?

Thanks. What I meant was the rapid m e n t a l transition of what seemed such brilliant indoctrination.

I am the younger son in the family, and I have an older brother who is moving out?

Yes, they will get over it. My parents cried when each one of us, their six older kids moved out. They asked us to stay with them through college. But we wanted our independence. We always visited, though. I'm sure your brother will, too.. We're all adults (except for my 16 year old sister), some of us married with kids, and still have family Sunday brunch :-)